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Monday, July 19, 2010

Valet dies in Guys and Dolls shooting

TMZ posted an amateur video that captured the scene as a large Rolls or Bentley sedan drove by spraying bullets into a restless crowd at 8713 Beverly Boulevard, next to Jerry’s Deli.
KNX Radio reported that the dead man was a valet. The condition of the other victims is not being disclosed.
Sheriff’s Department officials seek a black Bentley or Rolls-Royce with the partial license plate of 5783G in a shooting.
Sgt Chris Tater of the West Hollywood Sheriff Station confirmed for WeHo News that an argument broke out at closing time resulting in the gunfire.
One news account recounted a witness saying the argument broke out over a stolen chain.
Homicide investigators are currently conducting an investigation, so would release no further information.
The nightclub, open just over a year, has catered to celebrity-enamored – and often under-age – clientele, receiving a two week suspension of its operating license that ended in the beginning of June.
Opening in May of 2009, it took only until August for the nightclub to begin drawing negative attention onto itself.
Last summer R&B artist Chris Brown - then 20 years old and on probation – landed the club in the hot seat when paparazzi shot photos of him dancing inside Guys and Dolls.
Because part of Mr. Brown's probation included avoiding any establishments where alcohol was the primary product for sale, this incident captured extensive media attention – and that of the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC).

That led to an immediate investigation of Guys and Dolls, during which agents observed four women under the age of 21 inside the nightclub, and according to the agents, no person asked them to show identification to gain entrance into the nightclub.
Further investigation discovered that all four had faked IDs.

Chris Brown entering Guys and Dolls in August, 2009. WeHo News.
As a result of this investigation, the ABC filed an accusation against the licensee seeking suspension or revocation of their ABC license.
The accusation and threat to shut the club down, however, apparently failed to make a change in their practices, because in February 7, 2010, West Hollywood Sheriffs responded to a call of a 19-yr old female not breathing in the parking lot of Guys and Dolls.
Paramedics transported a Ms. Nicole Ermani by ambulance to Cedars Sinai Emergency Department for treatment of apparent acute alcohol poisoning.
Ms. Ermani was a guest at a table with bottle service; deputies found four people under the age of 21 at the party.

All five of the minors used fraudulent IDS which they planned to use to gain entrance in the club – if they had been carded.
The following weekend deputies on routine patrol check of Guys and Dolls stumbling across three females under the age of 21 carrying fake identification; all three admitted to drinking alcohol while in the night club.

Pamela Anderson, allegedly drunk, being escorted out of Guys and Dolls. WeHo News.
The nightclub reopened in June 1 under a six-month probation that city officials assure will be accompanied by “heightened scrutiny.”
The club’s website says that it is closed on Sunday night, but a neighbor, Carleton Cronin, told WeHo News that last night’s event was entitled Urban Night and appeared to cater to a gangsta rap crowd.
When contacted,the club’s manager, Mary Duron, would not give WeHo News a comment, referring questions to the club’s public relations spokesperson.
That PR spokesperson did not reply to a call for comment before this writing.
The City was quick to issue a statement deploring the incident.[Update 12:44 pm]
“West Hollywood has no tolerance for violence of any kind in our nightclubs, particularly gun violence,” said Tamara White, the City’s Public Information Officer. We will… take all necessary actions to ensure that our club operators keep their venues safe.”
Anne McIntosh, the city’s Community Development Director, said that staff was working on the issue as a top priority, with City Manager Paul Arevalo meeting with Sheriff officials this morning and staff beginning a review process.
“We can’t say anything until after we have that conversation with the Sheriff’s Department,” she said, “but they are, in informal terms, on ‘probation’ for other incidences that have occurred there.”
She said that the city’s actions would stem from the investigation of the incident itself, but that remedies existed.
“They have Business License and Conditional Use Permits,” she said, “and both of those are subject to the discretion of the city.” Thanks TMZ FOR ITH INFO.